Saying YES to something different

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I said that I was going to say yes to less? Well, I'm a firm believer in saying yes more, I just had the last word slightly out of kilter and was saying yes to everything to the detriment of a lot of things in my life. However, this is one opportunity I couldn't say no to!

'Hey Jo, it's Emms'

'Hey Emms, how's you? What's up?'

'Can you come down to The YesBus at the Brinsbury campus, Chichester College near Pulborough to do a photo shoot with Daisy and Lily for a family camping campaign for Go Outdoors?'

'ABSOLUTELY Emms! When? How soon? Now?!!'


That's kind of how the conversation went although I couldn't type fast enough! Off I went a couple of Friday's ago, The Subtle Bus, dogs and me, up to GoOutdoors in Basingstoke to pick up a whole load of fabulous family camping kit picked out by Emms for the GoOutpaws campaign being put together by Dave and Emms of SayYesMore fame.

Roll on to Saturday morning with dogs primed, treats in pockets, tennis ball at the ready, we were raring to go!

Never work with children and animals they say and this was the first time that Dave had had to have the patience to photograph dogs, or more importantly my dogs! Daisy and Lily are well behaved for the most part and having arrived on the Friday evening for a BBQ and a bit of ball throwing they were used to their surroundings and the to-ings and fro-ings of things at The YesBus.

Dave - 'Jo, can you 'just' get Daisy to sit facing me'

Me - 'Dave, have some treats and she'll do what ever you want!'

Daisy - too right!!

A fab morning was had pitching the 6 man tent, playing with the bubble maker, having a snack sitting on the fleece blanket and generally larking about with some super cool friends and my fabulous dogs. Both Daisy and Lily were Super Stars, just life as normal really (even if I do say so myself!)

And here is the result! From Wild Camping Outdoors to Comfort Camping with Go Outdoors! Yes, it's a sponsored piece but Dave won't write about things he's not totally 100% offay with so any families out there looking for camping kit, this is worth a read too!


One year on…


Mission Self-Destruct: successfully aborted